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I can tell you for a fact, this makes minimal difference to indy level developers. Its still $10kUS (!) for a devkit - Wii devkits start from $2k.

The real killer is this:
- the PS3 has by far the smallest install base
- its by far the most complex of the consoles to develop for

From a business point of view, its either WiiWare or XBLA (and I tilt to WiiWare for various reasons). PSN isn't even on the radar - maybe in 2 or 3 years.

Its really hard to come with a business model that allows development of a PS3 exclusive. It either has to be an absolute, top-of-the-line project, with a 30m US budget + 3-4 year dev period - or plain out subsidized by Sony.

The numbers simply don't work out.

(better off making a 360 title, and once its out - sending it to a PS3 porting house)

Gesta Non Verba

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