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The PS2 had some serious design issues as well, but nowhere near those of the PS3, and it was in SD. I'm seriously starting to believe that the reason so many otherwise great recent games (Gears, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, CoD4) have been so short is the cost of producing HD graphics. I dunno how reliable it is, but someone gave me the following quote a few days ago:

Kazunori Yamauchi (Polyphony Digital) said that it took about 30 days for one person to build the complete model of a single car for a Gran Turismo game on the PS2, compared to 1 day for the PS1 games. On the PS3 it takes 180 days.

In any case, I won't pretend to know the numbers, but this should help a bit. The PS3 is out of indie-developer pricing by design, but incentives to existing developers is a smart move from Sony.


(edit: I thought this meant Sony would halve the amount of money it takes for every third party game, but looks like it they're only starting to sell development kits cheaper. not sure useful this is, since just about every notable developer bought truckloads of these back when it looked like the PS3 would be winning this gen)