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Ail said:
ironman said:
letsdance said:
Oh sorry Ironman... I wasn't aware MS produces Blu-ray hardware and Software like Sony... In fact... I wasn't aware any company other than sony in the BDA did that... my mistake.

Wow, you really are something else...I have yet to see an argument that has an ounce of fact come out of you. It's really too bad, I was trying to like you...really I was. 

Now, let's see, MS owns the codec that is used in Bluray, they also have some stock in it I believe. I love the fact that every says Bluray is a success because of Sony, while this may be true (they screwed over the gaming dept to do so), Sony could not have helped it along had it not been for the likes of MS and Panasonic.

@ DGC, if you own the DVD, you can legally make backup copies of it. Same with Blu-ray. Same with CD...heck, any form of media you own, you can make copies of legally. Once you start giving the copies away, or even worse, selling them, it become illegal. Oh did I mention, you can lend people your copies.

You are only allowed one copie in some countries.

It is still a copy, DGC was saying it was illegal to make any copies.

It is however illegal in  the US to sell software/hardware that allows copying of DVD or CDs that contain copyrighted material...

So...I guess Nero and Roxio are selling illegal software? I have never heard of such a thing. 




Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!