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I'm 100% A-OK with jrpgs getting rid of the j-staples and mixing things up a bit. Whether it's getting rid of j-pop, getting rid of animu, westernizing the game's setting (like they did with Ace Attorney. It's not like anyone aside from hardcore weeaboos would get the j-pop culture references anyway. Though when you do get the references, it is really hilarious.), etc. And I don't mind it when games exclude Japanese voices. I was in a stage before where I thought all English VAs in anime and games suck but if you look at it objectively, the English VAs are underrated. In fact many Japanese anime enthousiasts often complain that their VAs are not up to par. The Japanese VAs only sound better in comparison because we don't really understand their language too well. It REALLY makes a difference when you understand the spoken language. The English voice acting in say something like Lost Odyssey really enhances the experience because communication is more than just words. When for eg. Jansen in Lost Odyssey cracks a joke, it's much more funny to me when it's told in my native language than in Japanese with english subtitles. There are plenty of anime series that were downright hilarious when told in their native Japanese but I suppose if I gave the English VOs a chance and if the English VAs were good, the english dub versions might probably be better. Not to mention that if you read subtitles, sometimes you miss key things in the action, facial expressions, body language, etc. It was common for me to have to rewind when watching fan subbed anime to catch little tidbits I missed because I was distracted from reading the text on the screen.