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Platformers are not a popular genre in Japan. Seriously your on a sales site look up other games in the genre, and then look up their sales, and their attach rates. Mario is actually not doing bad at all. Hell it is actually doing rather well. That is rather well for a platformer. The title might even eventually outshine Sunshine, or even 64. How could that be a disappointment.

The market in Japan is not the same market as North America, or the same market as Europe. They have different likes, and different dislikes. Some things that sell well here like Halo do not sell so well over there. While train simulators might sell well over there, but you couldn't pay most North Americans to actually play such a game.

Many posters here developed unrealistic expectations. Ignoring how that markets has previously welcomed Mario platformer games. Those game were fantastic, and yet did not see stratospheric sales.

Now for your issue with Vertigo, or visual recognition. Had you such a issue you would have noticed it before this game. Even so if you do develop some difficulty there are things you can do to remedy it. Often adjusting color, brightness, sharpness, contrast, or even the ambient lighting can reduce or eliminate such problems. The obvious best coarse of action is to never sit too close to the screen, and that is rarely a issue with the Wii. The controller basically forces you to back away from the screen.