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Majin-Tenshinhan said:
vonboysp said:
the problem is nsmb wii will outsell every game edge gives a 10 to, and more will love this game than those ganes rated as a 10.

That doesn't make it a better game. More people will love Transformers than people will love Requiem for a Dream, I'm sure, but I think it's clear which is the better work as a film.

I'm not saying that NSMBWii won't be fantastic, because I believe it will, but popularity does not always equal quality.

Wait... it is "clear" that Requiem for a Dream is the better, but only because I agree with you about it, other people who read this agree with you, and generally anyone who would go against this "clear" statement would sound retarded, for disagreeing with common sense. 

See? It is general consensus what makes it "clearly better". Popularity.