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"Ugh... my head... my whole body hurts", those were the first words that came out of my mouth.
As my senses were slowly returning, I realize I'm in a sitting postion. I look around and find myself in a middle of my kitchen, sitting on the chair. I suddenly stand up and whisper to myself: "Damn, I drank way too much yesterday... how did I get here anyway?".
I turn around and pick up my phone. First thing I noticed was time, it already passed 12.

After cleaning myself up and before eating breakfast, I pick up the newspaper from my post box.
First sentences I read on it were "Dsister44, who was lynched yesterday late evening, was upon further investigations confirmed to be working with the local mafia...".

Todays newpaper is dull so I pick up the remote and turn the TV on. Of course, I tune on VGCChannel, as always.
"The mangled body of innocent townie TruckOSaurus was discovered early this morning, covered in tire tracks and lego bricks. Whoever is responsible for his death clearly went to town with it. And back. Twice."
I drop my remote out of shock. I quickly pick it up and turn the TV off.

Out of nowhere, my phone rang. It was Adam, a friend of mine that works for... a certain organization.
In a very excited tone he said: "Dude, you gotta hear this, you know the local Priest nen-suer, right? He was found dead behind the VGC Pub. They say he was electrified!"
"Why are you so excited about it? And what the hell is going on, everyone keeps dying."
He quickly answered: "I know, isn't it awesome?"
Upon hearing that, I end the call.

"This is all messed up, I'm going back to sleep".


Day 2 Start


Person Voting To Lynch ( Lynched | Murdered | Other Kill ) Identity

Day 1
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5  

Mafia Voter (Mr G&W)
TruckOfSaurus Dsister44
 / /
Cop (Aya Brea)
zexen_lowe Dsister44

nen-suer Dsister44
Priest (Father Grigori)


Falcon095 nen-suer

Gnizmo Dsister44

axumblade Dsister44


"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."