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BHR-3 said:

man the only positive thing i can say is that he plugged the ps3 version of the game and that the ps3 console lasted being on for 17hrs straight that really shows the durabilty of the console so hes cool wit me regardless if you all think hes crazzy shit like that happens its not his fault

wondering wat he hated bout it he never really said anything except that they didnt add anything to the series hope it wasnt b/c he was playing the ps3 version i mean lens of truth didnt do a good job with there comparison the ps3 version is as good as the 360 visually

man 17hrs the longest i can play fps straight is like 3hrs im surprised hes still alive his hands werent even shaking although we dont know he s telling the truth

i believe he was trophy hunting and got frustrated they should make trophys easier to get beating the cod games on vet is a pretty frustrating thing to do that or he was online gaming that online gaming will kill someone one day the competition is insane

I think he's right.  All of the CoD's since 2 have been ridiculous on veteran.