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Sempuukyaku said:
Can we PLEASE DROP THE goddamn online bitching already? PLEASE? The game is freaking awesome, period. My girlfriend and I are on World 5-1 and couldn't be having more of a blast. Miyamoto thinks online would've hurt the game, so he left it out...DEAL. If you want to whine and cry constantly, feel free to do so. The rest of us will be enjoying this thoroughly awesome game.

By the way, this "Nintendo doesn't listen to its fans" is a load of shit. Did they not listen when they made Twilight Princess photo-realistic? Or adding online to Mario Kart and Smash Bros? Or get a Kid Icarus game going (that was Factor 5's fault and not Nintendo's on that one). The whining needs to cease, for real.

The thing about that is, its all a matter of opinion if your happy with it the way it is awesome I'm glad but it is still your opinion!!  For every person that loves it the way it is there will be someone that wants it another way, and guess what that is why we have message boards so we can all give our opinions on what we would hope for in a game!  Online is certainly debatealbe and just because you are cool without does not mean somone else is!!  I do agree that they did listen on Twilight Princess which was awesome but you could still argue that they did not take enough of a risk changing weapons, controls and overall feel of it, sure Zelda the Wind Waker looked different but it was still Zelda with very little variations in play control! I'm not saying that is bad its just playing it safe which is what this new Mario game feels like!!