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Soap_McTavish sad:
No. you're wrong. It has multiplayer, and its not a very good implementation of it.
I.... I didn't make a statement. I asked you a question. How in the nine hells can I be wrong if all I did was as you to explain your position?
It's 2009, soon to be 2010. No online multiplayer simply is not acceptable.
Actually, yes, it's perfectly acceptable for many, many people! As a game that's meant to be played with gamers and non-gamers alike, it actually makes better sense for this game to be played in local multiplayer. It's perfectly acceptable! Hell, I'm accepting it right now!

Of course you rate a game on what it is. Its a multiplayer focused mario player that does not have online features. Considering the amount of games on the platform that do have online multiplayer, it is simply unacceptbale.
The only case in which it is unacceptable is one in which there was an expectation that there would be or that there should be online multiplayer. We knew from the beginning that there was not going to be, and I have yet to hear a decent argument that there should be. By syaing that it is worse for having local-only MP, you are rating the game according to what it should be, not according to what it is. Do you see the problem?
Nintendo obviously is focusing their efforts somewhere else, its certainly not New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
This is a ridiculous thing to sya. It's been acknowledged as being excellent to play alone, excellent to play with friends, featuring enough content and powers and fun levels to qualify as the best 2-D Mario based on its merits. That speaks not only of effort but of artistry, the kind that really defines a game as an example of quality. You are latching onto a single facet of what this game is not and allowing that to affect the way you view the entire rest of the game, which is fallacious to the point of absurdity.
That being said, I preordered and paid in full today and I cannot wait, don't take it the wrong way.

To sum it up:

Game is multiplayer focused
System has online capabilities

Any sane person adds those 2 together to add online features. This is not a nintendo 64. This is a current generation console and we are all about online gaming. Look at Mario Kart Wii.

The DS has online multiplayer when it's appropriate and when the system can handle it. In this cas and given the focus of this game, online multiplayer is neither necessary nor appropriate, and its exclusion is not detrimental to the experience of the game itself.