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Well this prediction isn't looking so hot for Reggie haha. I mean we are looking to about a 4-5 million first week opener for the 360 version. Not to mention I would imagine it would be able to sell a good 2-3 million after that considering it will be the big holiday title for 360.

Given NSMB Wii will be a big game, we can at least expect a 2-2.5 million first week opener. Then given it will be the big Wii title for the holidays at least another 2-3 million. Even with that it's nowhere near the 360 version.

Either I'm completely under estimating the selling power of NSMB or Reggie knows something we don't. Whatever way, I think MW2 on 360 will take the day haha. Over lifetime, I'll probably have to give it to NSMB Wii but I've been surprised before.


And if we go purely on NA, I don't think it'll change too much up considering both games biggest selling territory will be America.