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bazmeistergen said:
Its sad times for me, eh nun?

I've had some better games, but I am jealous of anyone with a ratio over 1. I'm somewhere below that at the moment. A long way below. This happened on WaW as well, though I did eventually get decent/average.

Anyone got any advice?

I started using the AK47 for a while and didn't have steady aim on and I started sucking ass. I switched back to the MP5 and put steady aim back on and I'm doing much better.

I also find that the cursor is harder to make out then it was in WAW. It also sometimes drifts into the gun sight of some gun animations when you're turning right. When you turn back left I sometimes find that I'm still tracking down the gun sight instead of watching the cursor. The MP5 doesn't have that problem.

I've also noticed that while playing this and WAW, sometimes hits don't register. That's probably more of an internet connection thing then a problem with the game but it can be quite frustrating. Some days it seems like everything I point at dies while other days I can empty a clip into a guys back from 5 feet away and he turns around and knifes me.

The majority of the people online also seem to be very good with the wiis controls. Since the game received no hype the initial people who bought it were probably really into WAW, so you are playing for the most part against very good players and very few people who are trying out their first wii shooter.