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Marketing is to teach consumers about a product and the job it does, the point is to build energy around the product to generate sales.

Simply put Zelda is a known IP on a new platform, Gamer X plays Nintendo games goes to Gamer Y who doesn’t play games or hasn’t played games since SNES or PSX and emphasizes the release of Zelda with new controls. Gamer Y has no reason to want to get this Zelda game with motion controls.

My point is that Mario Galaxy, Zelda did not pull in new customers like your saying.

Wii Sports however is a new IP and comes with Wii; unless your willing to look history in the face and spit at it then you would know that Wii Sports is still bundled with Wii’s for no other reason that Nintendo understands that their consumers want Wii Sports as it shows what the Wii is about, it is what consumers were marketed. I’ll take a step back.

Marketing is making a promise of the content being marketed the purpose is to create energy around the product to generate sales. Nintendo made many promises with the Wii and one of the was Wii Sports, not the Wiimote but WiiSports, the content it provided was what a large group wanted and that’s what they got when they bought the Wii. However Nintendo failed to deliver the content steadily ^_^ as until the release of WiiSports Resort Wii sales were declining.
It’s not so complicated as the psychology of human relation and viral marketing, it’s simply living up to a promise and how many people wanted what was promised – That’s the risk Nintendo took and it paid off.

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The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D