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libellule said:

funny how you are going in the past to "protect the 360 guardians" that are severely ass kicked in this thread.

but, sadly, KZ2 was not called the Halo killer by most of them and it was not supposed to reinvente FPS.
But technically, KZ2 was praised a LOT and it was still a very good game overall (see metacritic)

going back to the OP : KZ2 took the technical crown from the 360.

Sooner peole will accept, sooner those crappy thread will disappear.

I am now upset that people are arguing that Big Rigs is superior to the PC version of MW2.  That frosts my shorts.  I refuse to have Big Rigs knocked off the Winner throne by MW2 on the PC!

And no, don't expect people who are partisan console owners to acknowledge anything good about games on rival consoles.  It isn't going to happen.