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ZorroX said:

@ClaudeLv250, you are very naive.
PS3 will go below 10k in Japan maybe, only before another pricecut.

2010 and beyond 3rd party lineup for each console:

FFXIV, SO4 International, Front Mission Evolved, Yakuza 4, Ar Tonelico 3, Summon Night 5, Trinity: Zill'Ol, Nier, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2, Super Street Fighter 4, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Sengoku Basara 3 (superior version), Castlevania: Lords of Shadows, Dinasty Warriors: Troy, First of the North Star, End of Eternity, FFXIIIv, White Album, Last Rebellion, Quantum Theory, RE5: Alternate Edition.

There are alot of 1st/2nd party games.

PS3 now cost only 29,980 yen in Japan. I just don`t see, when PS3 will have time to drop below 10k.
Another question is Wii, will it not drop?

I don't think naive is the word you wanted to use if you were going to agree with me in the next line. I do think it applies to your response, along with stubborn, after going back into list wars considering your last software and hardware predictions.

PS3 will drop because that's what it always does. The Wii chugs along at a predictable rate while the PS3 is completely dependant on software bumps and price cuts to achieve high sales. The real test of the slim is not a software loaded period followed by a holiday season. It's the dry spell that'll happen afterwards, because that's the point where the PS3 always drops down to ridiculously low levels and the Wii leaves it in its dust even with modest weekly numbers.

ever since you started posting your hatred towards the PS3 has been great, and idk why

I criticized arrogant users and you pulled "PS3 hate" out of that? I'm pretty sure the SDF has better things to do...

Did somebody steal your lunch money

Nah, they killed his puppy.

Whoops! I guess not!

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"