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Majin-Tenshinhan said:
rastari said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Edge aren't butthurt, they just use the actual 1-10 point scale, contrary to everyone else.

Nowadays, a 6/10 is a horrible score, when it's supposed to be above average (since 5 is the average). Edge still view scores this way, but nobody else does, thus they come off as harsh.

yet they still give games 10 despite the fact that no game can be perfect, i'm sorry but edge are just plain inconstant.

10 doesn't necessarily mean perfect. There would be no point for 10 to even exist if it meant perfect since perfection is pretty much impossible to achieve. I'm fairly certan that a 10 to Edge is a masterpiece, somethng that truly stands above any other game of it's time.

Why don't they just make review scores that can go up to 11 !!?