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Samus Aran said:

I don't understand how Call of Duty: Modern warfare 1.5 got eight 100% scores on metacritic.

Wait, I do understand, Activision just bought these reviews.


Reviews shouldn't be trusted, no game can be perfect. You can only give a game a perfect score if there isn't a single flaw in the game, not even a small one. So these so called professional reviewers are telling me that there isn't a single flaw in modern warfare 1.5? There is 0 lag online? The graphics are the best ever seen? The singleplayer is longer then 5 hours? It's not a linear single player game? It does a whole lot of new things?


How can you give a game a perfect score with obvious flaws like this? I'm not saying this game is bad, I'm just saying that a perfect score is a no can do.



what? There is more new content in the cod games than there is in any nintendo game.

they wrote the book on rehashing.