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my top ten is subject to random changes at any game purchase or depending on my mood.

at the moment SMG is definately at the top, but then i just bought it yesterday morning (80 stars )

however i can usually tell you what 5 games would definately be in my top ten regardless of mood/incredible new game..... The Windwaker would be top of that list, and in no particular order Wii Sports, Goldeneye, Banjo Tooie and Timesplitters 2 (GC)....others likely to be in the top ten are OoT, F-Zero X, Wave race Blue storm, Micro machines 2 turbo (megadrive) and Rogue squadron 2.

SMG i think, in a few weeks (after i have taken it out of the Wii for more than a week in one go) will definately be added to that top 5 to make a top six.