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Zucas said:
darthdevidem01 said:

for me its horrible

I wanted to see the FPs genre crash & burn lol

the opposite is happening

WHEN & at what time did modern warfare become bigger than GTA?

or is it just because I wasn't hyped for it?

Well I'm assuming you are against run of the mill shooters (which unfortunately are the norm).  But in the defense of Modern Warfare series, it really is above and beyond that.  Really Infinity Ward takes the cinematic action experience first introduced and made wonderful in RE4 and puts it into a FPS shooter form.  So even though it is a first person shooter, it is more akin to that of an action game.  Most shooters can't proclaim that as most of their shooting is firefight to firefight/level to level while this one changes up the gameplay numerous amounts of times.  Not anywhere near that of Metroid or Half Life, but it definitely makes an attempt.


If they aren't going to go as far as say HL, I definitely think this is a good median and hope for more to try to capture a similar experience. 

yeah darth u should give mw or mw2 a try i also am not into fps and havent played any cod game thinking bout gettin mw1 and 2, but theres gotta be something there for a game to sell 7m in a day doesnt there?


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