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ha i love the bashing for fox news. some huge slanted democrats here i guess. funny how all the other stations are in trouble right now in ratings because the american people have finally realized how slanted and bullshit they are, and not reporting news or quickly throwing news aside because it may paint a certain party member in bad light. so they are watching fox news. and the government is trying to figure out a way to get the veiwers to watch the other new stations again even thought about bail out.

now if that doesn't sound like its biased news if a station is kept afloat by a government funding. huh i wonder if they may be presenting the news in how the government wants it to be told. and no i don't watch much news at all, so don't watch any of the stations.

but wtf guys, didn't watch and i'm sure as all news does they blow it out of proportion and sway facts a bit if not a lot. But fact of matter is, this game will be owned by millions of underage kids. you play as a terrorist whether undercover or not. you can kill innocnet people in the game.

sorry but i personally find that worse than any coffee house or sex in any video game. They should have to pull all games from shelves and do what the german game did, if you shoot an innocent its game over. I've played games that have it where you shoot an innocent or innocent person dies its game over start mission over. And that would be better. Does an undercover person going around killing innocent people send a good message? hell no, it shows that if your doing it for a reason killing innocent people is okay. Say wha tyou want about csi, or other shows on tv, they never have the good guys killing innocent people on purpose.