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Icyedge said:
spacetattoo82 said:

who said I wasn't a fanboy guy?

do not care for sony, sony ps2 was a piece of ---- that they did not fix and pissed a few of us off..

M$ atleast gave a warranty, free of charge.

plus I'm pro american. so there you go.

The blue ray rant was the truth and I may sound stupid to you but no to people who are not a fanboy for sony. don't try to hide that your a total fanboy acting like you got a xbox 360.


Atleast I admit it.

 usually sales means people are willing to blow there money on it, which means something in the game is good enough for x amount of people, no matter how much in the end you love the quality of a game. It comes down to sales.

Good that you rewrote your sig, you looked a lil (rediculous). Don't worry I make spelling errors to...

So let your fanboy come out guy, don't worry I got those friends too and we get along great. I just like to ripe on them, actually one I bought a xbox 360 and he never plays the ps3 anymore but for blue ray. I would say it's more to the fact that all of are friends have xbox.

just testing your knowledge, good points you give, but on the other hand you can't deny mine.



HD movies needs bigger storage, if it wouldnt have been blue-ray, it would have been something else like HD dvd. It has nothing to do about people being fanboy for sony, it has something to do about the market not being ready to download only but being willing to experience HD movies hense needing a new storage format. Dont forget that company make product to fill a consumer need, its not the way around. I never wanted to sound like I had a xbox 360, but in fact I have one because im a gamer and didnt wanted to missed on some RPGs. About spelling errors please note that I speak, french, english, spanish and not too bad in Japanese, im still taking lesson. So I could care less about doing a few spelling errors. Sales can reflect something on quality only when comparing 2 games in the same type on the same console. Take a game like valkyria chronicle on PS3 or tales of vesperia on 360. It is both really good games and reviews says the same thing, but since it is made toward a specific audience that doesnt reach as much person as an other audience like FPS, you cannot take sales to compare quality. If you compare 2 games like valkyria chronicle on the same console (same number of adopters) then it should help reflect which game is of better quality, but even tho theres still some other factors like publicity.


Another note on bigger storage, I found that it was neat to have bigger storage particularly when playing Star Ocean on 360, when doing a quest at the end (the bunny race quest) I had to switch disc each 5 minutes for 3 hours. Since I play games to relax of my working stress, I even moved the xbox on the couch so I dont have to get up each 5 minutes lol.

      I do agree with the storage issue but we should have moved to downloads, you can get downloads, connect direct and use  a memory card to either share or just use your hardrive . taking one hard drive as oppose to 100 blue ray disks or even ten is easier. plus downloads you always own and can't be broken. if your hard drive breaks, buy another redownload it through your account.

Another thing is dvd didn't see blue ray coming out right in front of there faces and go ahead and come out anyway, it's like there trying to stop the future from happening.

why didn't ps3 push the envolope, put in direct connect( like psp go) and use downloads instead? doing this would have really upped M$. most likely would have put them in the led right away.

 Look blueray is just a very small gap filler.

downloading is the future, why stop it.