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Icyedge said:
spacetattoo82 said:
Icyedge said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
masterb8tr said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Tridrakious said:
STAGE you're a moron.

Halo Reach is not going to push systems. There have already been 3 Halo games on the 360. Reach will not, NOT push 360 sales. It will sell quite a few million copies of software though.

God of War III is the first PS3 God of War game. The Collection is just remastered PS2 games that will pretty much only sell to the diehard GoW fans. God of War III has a very good shot at being a system seller.

While ODST is an expansion pack. It is also a full game. Campaign and multiplayer.

Sony has a much strong 2010 line up than Microsoft and Nintendo. Hands down.


I am not like the people around here. I believe in giving second chances because the rules around here can be a bit stringent. Call me a name again and I will have you banned. You need to learn to control your emotions.

1. Which one of those three Halo games you mentioned sold consoles? Was it not the main storyline of the franchise in a full game and not a side story or a unfinished product? Halo Reach will be the second main story franchise of the new gen for the Xbox 360. The other  two were side stories.

2. I don't care if God of War was the 8th god of war on PS3, it will not sell as well as you hope. The only people who care about God of War as always have been people who already owned consoles. God of War hasn't sold as stellar as you candy coat it for such a "heavy hitter".

3. ODST may have been publicized and sold as a full game, but I know better. The ballad of Gay Tony is a expansion and it has more hours of storyline in it than that game. You pay $40 for both 'The Ballad of Gay Tony' and 'Lost and Damned' whic equates to nearly 20 hours of gameplay in both games combined. As I said, I know better. The multiplayer made the difference, because  the majority of people paying full price for six hours of campaign no matter how good it is. It's lucky it had the name Halo on it or else it wouldn't have achieved those sales.

4. Nintendo doesn't have much of a lineup, but seriously, but Xbox 360 and the PS3 will both have great lineups. I don't care what you think in your little subjective mind. Microsoft has bigger sales potential for their titles.

Sonys Lineup potentially AAA 2010: FFXIII Versus, Heavy Rain, GT5, M.A.G. (if it does launch in 2010), God of War 3. The Last Guardian, Modnation racers, ape escape hd and agent

Microsoft Lineup potentially AAA 2010: Halo Reach, Fable III,  Mass Effect 2,  Alan Wake, Splinter Cell: Conviction, MECHWARRIOR, Crackdown 2.

Microsoft has seven AAA titles plus the unannounced titles from Rare which they haven't unveiled yet. Sony has 6.


Probably some other for Ms as well.Alot of new ip's on there so hard to tell if they will be AAA. The Fable, mechwarrior and crackdown franchises have never reaced 90+ metascore before, so will be interesting to see. Only the first spliner cell ranked AAA if i recall correctly. Mass effect 2, Alan wake, splinter cell conviction are not exclusive according to vgcharts rules. Dont know about Mechwarrior is it coming for the pc?

Ape escape, modnation racers and agent are not AAA.  Do not add them to my list if they aren't AAA. Perhaps I should add Ninety Nine Nights 2, Kingdom Undere Fire 2, Champions Online, Huxley and the Secret World to the 360's lineup, but guess what? The 360 will have more quality games coming out next year, but is close with the PS3 on AAA's. I wont add those other games I meotion because they aren't AAA


If you dont want someone to add title to your list that are not AAA, why dont you remove mechwarrior and crackdown. Hell maybe even Alanwake (does not so look good up to now) fable 3 (depend if they can do better then before), and splinter cell will not be AAA. What your saying does not make any sense. You arrange things how you like them to be. You really have guts to imply that others are fanboy considering the type of argument and comment your bringing in the discussion. I think that some peoples that talked with you earlier are PS3 fan, but obviously its not them that are fanboy.


really? xbox 360 fans are the worst, when clearly on n4g ps3 fans make five hundred accounts and won't even let 360 fans have one comment with out taking all of there bubbles.. you can tell off of the way they talk and the way they spell there words.

 To add to this conversation, fable 3 not a AAA title? well if you want to play that game, What game on Ps3 has outsold fable 2? What games out of that list besides gt5 will outsell fable 3 and fable 3 remember is not a AAA like halo reach. So looks like ps3 fans like to talk alot but not support these great games they get.

2010 is the year xbox 360 leaves ps3 in the dust. Natal bundled, more AAA titles that are likely going to sell more games and hardware then ps3. I'll give you 2009 but thats the last you get. Natal will launch with rare titles. Could be killer instinct , conker and thats not including games from other 3rd party developers that are interested in Natal. Natal is also Microsofts way into japan, japanese developers are stoked about natal, look how the wii did out there. Also remember that M$ usually never shows all there cards. E3 should be interesting in 2010.

Blue ray a unneeded storage medium stopping the advancement of technology. will be worthless in 4 - 5 years... so better buy all the blue ray discs you can now.


I didnt say that Xbox fan are the worst, actually being a fan of something is more than allright, and being fan of one thing or another is not better or worst. I said that out of those Xbox fan theres a lot more of Xbox fanboy than there is PS3 fanboy out of the PS3 fan. Ridiculising the opinion of other people by saying that one console or the other right now has more AAA title coming in 2010 is being a fanboy because we still dont know how some games will turn out and theres still some unrevealed stuff. You can give your opinions on things but when you are saying something as it is confirm by god and ridiculising peoples that have different opinion you are being a fanboy.

Now also to add to this conversation, number of sales of a games does not necessarily reflect the quality. Sometime you have a very neat title that doesnt sell a lot, other time you have something average that sells a shitload. Also take in consideration that more user there is more sales there is.

Saying that 2010 is the year that one console leaves the other one in the dust is fanboyish coming from any gamer, because the 2 systems have a lot to offer in 2010. You also said: ill give you 2009 but thats the last you get. Maybe you wanted to look wise by giving something to the other party but in 2009 Xbox 360 has always been the leader, its only in september when there was the price cut and slim model PS3 that media and persons begin to talk positively about Sony. But theres still a lot of biase person out there (fanboy).

I think that you should continue on your speech about blue-ray being an unneeded storage medium just to see how much you can ridiculise yourself. Sure it will be obsolete in a couple of years, has every technology is these days.




who said I wasn't a fanboy guy?

do not care for sony, sony ps2 was a piece of ---- that they did not fix and pissed a few of us off..

M$ atleast gave a warranty, free of charge.

plus I'm pro american. so there you go.

The blue ray rant was the truth and I may sound stupid to you but not to people who are not a fanboy for sony. don't try to hide that your a total fanboy acting like you got a xbox 360.


Atleast I admit it.

 usually sales means people are willing to blow there money on it, which means something in the game is good enough for x amount of people, no matter how much in the end you love the quality of a game. It comes down to sales.

Good that you rewrote your sig, you looked a lil (rediculous). Don't worry I make spelling errors to...

So let your fanboy come out guy, don't worry I got those friends too and we get along great. I just like to ripe on them, actually one I bought a xbox 360 and he never plays the ps3 anymore but for blue ray. I would say it's more to the fact that all of are friends have xbox.

just testing your knowledge, good points you give, but on the other hand you can't deny mine