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So ironman, are you saying that Blu-ray can only hold 2 layers for 50 GB? Or maybe your speaking of the 4 layers that Hitachi used to get 100 GB or 6 layers to get 200GB? Ritek used 10 layers to get 250GB out of a disc. Pioneer used 16 layers to push 400GB out of one disc, and are currently working on a 1TB disc they hope to get out by 2013.

So yea which of those is the layer limit? Technology is always evolving, even current tech. So before you bash someone elses research maybe you should do a little of your own. Then again I suppose you could just go on looking like an ignorant fanboy, having educated people own you.

Blu-ray an 8-track? So your predicting it to be succesful till it is replaced? Cool, we agree then.

As far as digital distribution goes, it will never completely do away with physical media in the next few decades, if ever. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate DLC nor do I think it will eventually die off. I buy it, but only for small games or add-on's. And I know it's here to stay as well. But so is physical media. Look at CD's. Been around from the 80's, and still hasn't died off because of DLC.