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ClaudeLv250 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

mrstickball said:
Carlos -

The reason I said that is for every single RPG you've mentioned coming out for the Wii, I don't see one that'll sell over 1 million units.

The Wii RPGs, thus far, lack any sort of quality. Exactly what one is going to be huge? Pokemon is first party, and hasn't sold well on consoles since day one. Final Fantasty Spinoffs never do awesome, and the rest might end up like Dragon Fable or Zack & Wiki.

Half of the X360 RPGs are mediocre like the Wii titles, but then you have Fable, Fallout, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, and Last Remnant that will most likely do well.

And yet again: whats the Wii's biggest RPG that it's snagged so far? I can't name one. The DS certainly has had alot of succuess, but that's not the Wii.

Roffle. And this is supposed to be sales site.

Firstly, I don't really know how the Wii RPGs lack quality when none of them have been released. Quite the fanboyish statement.  Only 2 have come out, one which got overlooked and the other, Dragon Quest Swords, which Japan ate up anyway. It's nice to see the blatant double standards though, for DQS to get slapped around as "not quality" but to see another SE game, an unproven IP like The Last Remnant, held on a pedestal of quality when no one has played it.

Second, half of the games carlos mentioned have done over a million in previous iterations. Tales has done it, Chocobo's Dungeon did it in Japan alone, Monster Hunter did it, FFCC did it whether you want to admit it or not.

Thirdly, biggest RPG Wii snagged? Um, hello? TALES? MONSTER HUNTER? Do you people even PLAY RPGs? These are bigger than ANY of the JRPGs 360 has so far.


wow who pissed you off so bad.

Alrigh first, you even admited that wii has no quality titles out, RIGHT NOW, unreleased we cant say, and he meant right now. DQS is most likely not seen as a huge project for SE, Last remnant yes.

Those will have a good chance of hitting 1 million, just hope that huge wide demography or lack of sales for core games doesnt hurt it.


And those games are hyped like Lost odyssey, Last remnant and Infinite?

I didn't say "Wii has no quality titles out," I said those games aren't out so no one can claim that they aren't "quality." It's one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen on this forum because there's no thought or substantial grounds for a debate. No ones played half of these games therefore no one can go strutting around on their little high-horse deeming which games are and aren't "qaulity." The same goes for the 360 RPGs, if anything all the new unproven IPs are something to be cautious about, they shouldn't be hailed as the second coming already. You'd think Lair would have taught people something by now.

And Last Remnant certainly isn't a "huge" project. DQS may have been a side game but Dragon Quest is still one of SE's pillars, The Last Remnant is a new IP testing the waters. It's not going to turn the industry upside down and I'll be surprised if it breaks 700k. SE's new IPs haven't been doing that well recently.

Youve got to be joking, Last remnant is multi on 360 and ps3. Its been in Famatsu top games since forever, ranked quite high to for such a long release away and we know nothing about the game. Gametrailers and other people put it in their top games they want to see. can you say this.

Its a side game alright, take a look at it, i mean take a good look at Dragon quest swords.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.