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thismeintiel said:
Yes, ironman, because I do research instead of blurting out forum rumor I am butthurt. LOL. Well, at least you made me laugh.

I saw no research, just a bunch of butthurt towards people who disagree with you. Glad I made you laugh though. :)

As far as the TD goes. I really don't see that happening. First off it uses 200 layers of 5 GB. So if we get to a point where we can have 200 layers on a Blu-ray that will be 5TB. Not to mention all the movie and electronic companies that have put their hand in Blu-ray won't be switching over to this new one when a TB on Blu-ray will probably be possible whenever that came out.

Now, this just shows how much research you have done. (/sarcasm) Bluray CANNOT physically support any more than it currently does. Thats is the same reason DVDs don't support more than 9gigs. According to your failed logic, DVDs should be able to hold 500G in a matter of years as development continues. 

However, there are 2 other formats HVD (Holographic Versatile Disc) and 5D DVD, that are supposed to hold 4TB and 10TB, respectively. But they won't be ready for another 10 years. So like I said, Blu-ray is probably here to stay for awhile.

Yes, but DVDs still hold a vast majority of the market share. And digital distribution is slowly edging hard copies out of the market. Bluray is like the 8 track of yesteryear. 


Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!