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SpartanFX said:
selnor said:
Further comments from reviews.

"Graphically Modern Warfare 2 sets a bar so high that the game that our industry will look to it as a blueprint of what can be done on next-gen systems. The developers found a perfect balance between realistic and entertainment (just wait until you play-through the airport level) that there were points during our review period that we actually forgot we weren’t watching a HD movie."

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has more than enough guns, modes and "oh-my-god" moments to propel it to the very top of your must have list, with astounding visuals, crystal-clear (and at times, frightening) audio and enough plot twists to make you second guess everything, so gear up, hop onto your snowmobile and haul ass to the nearest store."

"The fact that I didn't even get into the stunning visuals and amazing sound design speaks volumes about the sheer amount of content in the game, and I could probably write another 800 words simply about the ridiculous attention to detail on display in each level."

"Anyone who already has issues with the single-player ‘style’ of IW’s games will still find fault with the scripted, linear experience, but in terms of sheer drama and show-stopping set-pieces accompanied by laser sharp FPS controls, Modern Warfare 2 is your daddy. And that’s without Spec Ops and Multiplayer."

This game could be crowned best graphics so far. Loads of reviewers were taken aback by the graphics and real feel of war.


are u serious?i thought that was Forza 3 :P


you are bad at picking best greaphic selnor and you know it :D

but i agree it is the best looking multiplat game ,,,up there with rEsident evil 5.but KZ2 is better ,,,uncharted 2 is irrelevant here.



And how am I bad. Do you know what my top 5 is for this gen. FM3 I said was my fave 360 graphics and best racing game graphics so far. Never said anyhting about best graphics of all time. MW2 was out after FM3. And it is better.