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Carlos -

The reason I said that is for every single RPG you've mentioned coming out for the Wii, I don't see one that'll sell over 1 million units.

The Wii RPGs, thus far, lack any sort of quality. Exactly what one is going to be huge? Pokemon is first party, and hasn't sold well on consoles since day one. Final Fantasty Spinoffs never do awesome, and the rest might end up like Dragon Fable or Zack & Wiki.

Half of the X360 RPGs are mediocre like the Wii titles, but then you have Fable, Fallout, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, and Last Remnant that will most likely do well.

And yet again: whats the Wii's biggest RPG that it's snagged so far? I can't name one. The DS certainly has had alot of succuess, but that's not the Wii.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.