The Ghost of RubangB said: I'm sorry, I stopped reading when you said "Let's not forget Sonic and Bonk will both be taking sales away from our favorite plumber." I think they tried that before, a few times each actually. Now they both make Nintendo games. Nintendo eats its competitors. Buying a Wii without buying a 4-player 2-D Mario game is going to be as hard as buying a SNES without Super Mario World. Yeah, in both cases it's physically possible, but not too many people can actually do it. |
Lets not forget Super Mario World was also bundled with the SNES which probubly attributed to its success. Lets also remember that Super Mario World did not sell 11-million copies during its launch year, neither did NewSuperMarioBros on DS. It is physically possible but highly unlikely, I think at best NewSuperMarioBros:Wii will catch up to NewSuperMarioBros:DS in lifetime sales.
But honestly 11-million during launch year, when pigs fly! Your talking nearly a million sales every single month of the year, sure 2-million to four million will probubly sell during the holidays this year, but your forgetting about Galaxy2 which will most definatly steal some sales!
In other words it is physically possible, but it is highly unlikely! I think fans will hype this up a ton. But in the end it will fail to live up to the hype much like The Conduit did and many other hyped games before that. (Not saying Mario will fail as bad as the Conduit just saying it won't sell like its being hyped up too).
May I suggest you go into the betting thread and place a wager, I'm sure their are a dozen level minded fans just waiting to have control of your sig and Avatar!
"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer