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1. Its Walmart.

2. Its the holidays and their offering a great deal.


Its a great deal.

The End


Seriously Walmart did it last year June 2008 $100 giftcard with a PS3 so you could've got a PS3 15 months before it was actually $299.

Or $399 with $100 giftcard. =$299.

Or $499 MGS 4 80 gb bundle =$399

If you look at it that way.


Walmart probably gets 360 arcades for $160-165 wholesale.

They give you $100 to spend in their stores.
Whatever you buy Walmart is getting a profit on the items you buy with $100.So its not that bad of a giveaway.

Their breaking about even on the 360.

Maybe depending what you buy in the end they lose $10-20.

Or your in the store you buy some other stuff as well.

You buy a couple games. You buy a 360 harddrive.

And you use the giftcard on groceries.



Either way Walmart got you in the store and buying things THE WHOLE POINT.

They make massive profits they HAVE NO PROBLEM giving this deal out the whole point is to get people in the store to buy things.


And the sale was a 1 day thing.

PS3/Blu Ray Player $100 giftcard was a WEEK LONG.


And Walmart did the sale not Microsoft.