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I remember running down to my local newsagents to buy my latest copy of Official Nintendo Magazine to find out how good Super Empire strikes back was. Back then a review would spend loads more time talking about how fun it was do this, or how fun it was to do that. Graphics got a mention but nothing like today. As long as the game had no real slowdown and god fun level design it got good reviews.

 The trouble today with reviews is people spend to much time either comparing or saying oh it's only 600p so it only deserves a 5. BOLLOCKS. I never listen to reviews anymore. Instead I watch videos of the like that of Gamersyde and make my own judgements. 90% of the time I can say I'm right with my choices and most go against reviews.

Graphically the reviewers should only diss the graphics if theres major slowdown, and it becomes unplayable. The highest and most major concern is are you having fun. If you play the game through to the end that is a telling factor. Who cares if a game is 6 hours long. If you enjoyed it and still play online then it's a good game.

I am so tempted to put together a team and start my own site for reviews because the review industry has gotten diabolicle. Would anyone trust an unbiased review page from a team of non fanboys?

Anyways thats off my chest.
