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I'll copy a post I made on another thread, which, IMO, proves without doubt that they DID stockpile for Christmas:

"Of course they're stockpiling for Christmas. We have a lot of evidence for that:

1- They're claiming 1.8 million Wiis produced per month since around July, and as we know sales are lower than that.

2- They said supply will about double in Christmas
[when compared to last holidays], and nothing points to that being the result of an immediate increase in supply.

3- They raised their shipment forecasts at least twice (combine that with number 1 above and the only realistic conclusion is that not all of their production is immediately going to store shelves).

Maybe there's more, but those three things (especially 1 and 3) alone convince me that there's major stockpiling going on. In the latest interview they say that Wiis take 20 days to get from factories to store shelves, so I bet that there are, LITERALLY, "boatloads" of Wiis currently crossing the pacific ocean for the holiday period."


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957