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Ail said:
MasterVG71782 said:
Ail said:
WTB : more time to play games...

If you find some, mind letting me borrow a little? :P

Heck no.

I know have 3 unopened games ( Borderlands, R&C and Dragon Age Origins) + 2 rental games that have been at my place for 2 months...

And I'm still playing NBA2k10( mostly my player stuff with no trophy reward but I want my guy to become a basketball legend!) and have to finish U2..

Yeah, I have plenty of games in my backlog, some of which I don't think I've played more than 5 minutes.

R&C: ACiT, Borderlands, Demon's Souls, one rental from Gamefly, GTAIV, World at War, DW Gundam 2, Resistance 2, Sacred 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Disgaea 3 and Socom....which are just the trophy enabled games, since I have Valkyria Chronicles sitting on the shelf for now. I just wish I had more time to play games, like I used to...