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makingmusic476 said:
shams said:
ProfDallas said:
Toshiba needs to just give up. This is sad. lol

Keep flogging your horse. Why would Toshiba possibly want to give up 30%-40% of the HD movie market? I'm sure they hate all that extra money and brand recognition.

Both formats are here to stay, and its becoming more certain by the day.

(should Sony give up, because the PS3 has only 16% of the next-gen console market? I think not...)



The only reason they have 30-40% of the HD market is because they're subsidizing they're players. The HD market isn't making them any money right now. They're using the loss-leader strategy normally used by game console manufacturers in the hopes of winning the war and making big bucks down the road from disc royalties.

They're betting a hell of a lot on this war, and if it starts to look like there's no hope of wining, why keep upping the ante?

OK.  This is the most ridiculous statement I've read in a while.  Sony has lost over a BILLION dollars "subsidizing" this format war through the PS3.  Toshiba may be losing money, but they may not be.  Sony is the one that is "betting a hell of a lot on this war".  If blu-ray fails, Sony is in serious trouble.