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Western role-playing games aren't for everyone. Let's face it, you just can't get enough of Japanese RPGs, and that's OK. Don't fight it by trying to like Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age. You might get some fleeting fun out of them, but let's face it – they're just not your thing. You prefer a linear RPG experience that guides you along a predetermined path. You believe that leads to a more directed storytelling experience. Aliens and dragons are alright, but you'd prefer a steampunk setting and some hot anime girls with cute creatures as pets. And what's the big deal with all these "choices" BioWare is trying to shove down your throat? The only decision you need to make is whether to turn the Japanese voice track on or off.

I don't know how this came about... I love Mass Effect more than any Final Fantasy game.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!