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ZorroX said:
First of all, you likely to forget that x360 already 4 years on the market. 4 years, and already had 199$ entry price and 299$ price for main model.
This year, it just improved value of main x360 model with adding 60GB, like Sony did with PS3 last year.
Why would x360 sales increase???

PS3 had LittleBigPlanet, Motorstorm:PR, Resistance 2, Valkyria Chronicles, Naruto:UNS last year. That helped PS3 in sales, but it didn`t move that much units, compared to 2007 year, where PS3 got a new entry price at 399$.

Forza 2 sold mostly thanks to bundles, and Japan sales are really poor. I`m not sure, how big this game will be in west, since GT5 is already coming in March.
L4D2 also had it`s problems.

Yes, MW2 should help x360 in sales, but i expect that a 399$ MW2 bundle will be just selling to hardcore MW fans. I mean, to same x360 owners. Yes, it`s still a sale, but i don`t believe, that there are many people left out there, who haven`t played CoD4:MW and now will buy a 399$ costing x360 for MW2.

I`ve seen German numbers, where PS3 outsell x360 during August-September by 4 times. Also in Australia PS3 is doing much better, compared to x360 since slim launch.

Anyway, we will see. So far, PS3 is doing better, than x360 last year. And x360 is doing worse, than PS3 last year.
I really, don`t see why x360 sales would increase on 4th year, considering high competition from PS3 side this year.


You might be right about the PS3, but I dont think that it will be by any significant margin. Given the current state of the dollar, and all the western holidays its more likely that the 360 will keep pace with the PS3. Remember that the PS3 is really only even with the 360 in western predominated countries. With the dollar weakening, I wouldnt be surprised if European retailer discount the 360 below MSRP. In the US, black friday will probably push the 360 past the PS3 especially with MW coming. Aside from that, the only thing that the PS3 has coming for the holidays is FF which will help in Japan but no so much in the US.

In the long run I dont think the PS will have a chance because my gut tells me that the next gen consoles are coming in 2012 and guess who will be the frontrunner... yep MS will be the 1st to release and I wouldnt be surprised if they already started working on it.