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All RPGs are dungeon crawlers by the same extent that all video games are RPGs. You can twist the meaning to your liking but the general definition refers to the sub-genre of RPGs where you spend most, if not all of the game inside one or multiple dungeons, such as the Mysterious Dungeon titles, Azure Dreams, Children of Mana, Grandia X, FFCC, etc.

Now for the list: Kingdom Hearts 3 really shouldn't be on there. While I believe it's coming to Wii the game is still a ways off. "Odin Sphere 2" needs a proper title considering it's not Odin Sphere 2. Also, remarkably, Dragon Quest Swords isn't on this list.

And for naz, Baten Kaitos 3 didn't come from Surfer Girl, it came from Bruce when he starting dishing dirt on the Matsuno RPG. I don't think surfer girl even acknowledged BK3 yet.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"