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albionus said:

TheBigFatJ said:

And, as he pointed out when talking to the MS and Sony representatives, they are each more well represented at different stores than each other (MS = Best Buy, Sony = Walmart, Nintendo = TRU probably).

Well if true that would explain why NPD undertracks the 360. WalMart and TRU are major video game stores and if NPD doesn't track them but it does track Best Buy then guess which system would be overrepresented in their sample (hint: it's not the PS3 or Wii).


You mean they over-track the 360, correct?

Also, we're seeing a serious problem with gaming 'journalism'.  We all have seen that most gaming journalists shouldn't bother calling themselves journalists, but rather amateur bloggers.  Look at all of the "Sony says it sold 100k PS3s in one week" posts at places like Joystiq.  If you even bother to look at the article they're linking, and then look at the source that article links to, the original source has a poorly worded sentence that suggests Sony is, as they say, including more than one playstation product in that number.