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Another week, another update!

A couple of things to note:

- the league have reached 200 users! That's two full PSN accounts. I won't be accepting anymore requests to join unless a spot frees up.

- I've adjusted the platinum difficulty scale that I presented last week. Each platinum's difficulty is now rated between 1 and 5 stars. Most games have retained the same star rating, but now there is a 5 star difficulty reserved for the most difficult games to plat.

- I've included each game's difficulty rating in the platinum list

- the platinum leaderboard has been updated. It now ranks the top 20 users based on the number of platinum points they have. Platinum points are equal to each games difficulty, so if you have two platinum trophies, one 2-star plat and one 3-star plat, you'll have 5 platinum points.

- when I have some more free time, I'll compile a list of other 5-star difficulty games that people here have yet to earn a platinum for

- platinum lists will most likely be updated next week.
