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ironman said:
Xoj said:
ironman said:
rexwong said:
This is funny that RED XBOX is RROD be default,
Please kindly replace your XBOX -> PS3, WINDOWS (BLUS SCREEN) -> MAC OS,
You will be very happy, cost effective, (i totally complete all those thing)

erm, it didn't RROD

Windows blue screen means you went too far into it while messing around, so you just reinstall windows (cheaper than buying a MAC) OR go with a lynux distro... 

Office 2007 is great, and I can see no advantage to iWorks other than it comes with an overly expensive OS...Use open Office if you don't have office 2007

Jeeze, get real dude, macs are NOT the way to go unless you are into recording, or you want to fit into the rest of the "elite" with the tweed jackets...and even then Ubuntu studio works better and it's free...Oh, did I mention you can run it very well on an older machine...sheesh. 

i ahve office 2007 with ubuntu 9.10 =D.

just had to insert the disc =D it rocks my core 2 duo

Oof, you are brave, I'm waiting till they release 9.10 as a finished version...anyway, what are you running office on? Wine? 

Wait, you didn't install it on your HD and dual boot? thats what I'm doing, it rocks my humble 1.8 gHz AMD Athlon. lol

wine install is bliss, just insert the disc and wait til it's over.

and 9.10 it's out final version. love it. its FAST!. lighting fast.