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"Girls are so tidy."

Wait until you see the rest of the room, complete mess right now *lol*.

"Nice cupboard."

Thanks, can you believe it "my dad" made that? Yup, also the shelf.

"Wii looks just like ordinary PC cd/dvd drive set vertically."

You can't hold yourself back to bash hah?

"I look forward to your review and impressions. Make it standalone not merged with twesterm's crap. I hope you'll be gentle little one. Your avatar doesn't portend it though."

Thing needs to work first, I hope to get the converter in "tomorrow", but haven't heard from the bloke yet, he suppose to call me back :=/.

"Nice Lulu Doll, I have the same one :P actually all of the main cast of ff10 :D"

Grrr.. you have? Planning to buy them all as well. Only need bigger room. Got the three action figures of FFX-2. Don't you just hate it that Square Enix always leaves a character out of it? Why in earth NO WAKKA statue! That still pisses me off. Aeron I most definitely want!

"Christ on a bike Onna, give me your gaming corner pl0x."

Christ on a what? *lol*, never heard of that expression before. Eh... I... don't... think... sooo... :P One finger on any of my consoles and Mario beats the crap outta ya *lol*.

I've got Folk Soul here, for months. I slightly hope the voice actings are in Japanese as soon as I'll switch the language of my console to Japanese. The atmosphere kind of drew me to this game. Just hope I won't be disappointed.

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