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My mind body connection is improving vastly every moment. I feel it happening, I control it happening, I am the reaction, part of the flow of movement. I groove softly as rain falls in my mind as the grass outside is clean from the midnight air! Life is wonderful, every moment, every word, every story, every bird, every groove in which you moove, lot's all shake and let's all moove, make things what we want them to be, for a chance to be set free, from all the hateful doubt of society, to give life more variety...

Damn, is it just me or am I one philosophical ninja mother fucker? Probably not, I'm in a different place of conciousness than you individuals so it's likely these are nothing but the rantings of a lunatic, but remember this lunatic is always happy and enjoys being ninja, so please stop harshing my buzz, killing my groove... Or continue if that's what you find appealing, I will choose not to read it or just perhaps read it in a very calm state of mind.