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If I don't care about these comments, why do I make this thread. Good question my friend, and a good question deserves a good answer, to be totally honest in a way your brain is most likely not used to thinking...

Boredom. I am so boreds all the time. I'm also never bored. This thread is fun for me, yet it's not fun at all, I will just ride these pleasant waves of conciousness till I fall.

I didn't assume anything about what you people would post. I honestly did not expect all the short sided thinking and all the negative energy, I did not expect all these people to be so uptight and not cool with the reality that seems real, they're only cool with the reality they have been fed, they're only cool with their ways of thinking, they don't think in all ways, they don't think what they feel, they don't think what if fake, they don't think what is real. They just operate their steady train of worry, doubt, sadness, all these negative mental states of pain and suffering, I highly dislike others in stress or pain and I only want to open your minds and let you know you can relax and enjoy this ride called life, if you end up in heaven or hell, reincarnated or whatever you want, you should learn to enjoy life and master the mind and soul now so in the afterlife, if there is one, you can have good memory skills and just enjoy the clouds and angels, enjoy the flames of hell crisping your skin to sinful delight, or enjoy being reincarnated as a sea sponge...