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Ok boys. This seems to have hit a nerve on you all. Why? (serious question)

As someone in here said. The Massive games I am talking about wont happen this generation. Why? Becuase of the Wii. Had the PS3/360 been the only consoles, or if the Wii was also as power, or at least 4x more powerful than it was, the games I am speaking of, would come to realisty this generation. It really takes more processor power than Graphics power. My theory game eats the processor for dinner. And yet, the Wii dont have enough power, and as long as the Wii dominates, the games will be based around 'wii power' style. And becuase of that, the massive epic games I am speaking of WONT COME.

This is my grudge agianst the Wii. It is going to effect ME. on the PS3. If I buy Nintendo, or not. It is gonna effect me, as if the Wii wins like everyone here thinks it will. We will see NES style games. And I do see a game collapse coming. I think consoles will die agian. I'm starting to think more and more, that the next consoles to come, will fail.

EDIT: Just curious. Why all the hate? Second. How much time have each of you spent on this thread for your info? Because I've done less than 30 minutes. It seems like I started a fire, and all the Wii boys are dancing around it throwing fuel in it, makeing it worse. I find it really funny. :D 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!