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I played the Original frst but I never beat it because I tended not to beat very many NES games when I was 8. Back then I actually liked to go outside and play guns, or water balloons. If an NES game couldn't be picked up and played for less than an hour and put down. I didn't play it very long.

The first one I actually beat was Link's Awakening, after that iwas in love with the series. I got Link to the Past shortly after and beat the snot out of that one too.

Ocarina of Time was the first game I bought at launch with a system in tow.

WindWaker was preordered.

Unfortuneately I couldn't get my Hands on a Wii until May, but TP was the first game I bought for it.

I bought a DS for Phantom Hourglass.

The only Zelda games I missed were the Oracles because I spent most of my money on organic plants that got burnt up in rolling papers and couldn't afford to buy the handhelds.