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I had intentionally kept away from it as i generally do with popular entertainment (my view is that generally if it is incredibly popular it's never really that good....this is genreally true with film, music and books (omg the da- vinci code is a terrible book))
In games however it doesn't work as well i find now, I mean GTA/Mario/Zelda are all very popular but they are also incredibly good (well GTA3 and VC...maybe not SA).
Anyhow, I had an N64 but no OoT, but in about 2000 i had a go on my friends copy of it and together we ended up going through the whole game in three days, doing very little else besides sleep and eat (summer holidays helped this)

since then i have loved zelda even though i never bought OoT for my N64, I got it in 2003 with my pre-ordered Wind Waker, and have since bought TP for Wii, currently hoping Majoras Mask will come out on VC soon, otherwise i will end up getting an N64 copy.