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Ergh, it's so hard to read this broken thread.

Ninjas trained under incredibly strenuous conditions because it was for their job. What shogun are you going to find to hire you? Who is going to indicate when you become a Genin? Pain is useful no matter who you are, because no one is fully aware of their body and what has been done to it. Not even an all powerful ninja. Hence the reactions of the body. And you're annoying me because you talk about yourself a lot but nothing you have said makes me think you're so special as to deserve the attention of others. You just post something like you enjoy putting dildos up your butt and you get shocked responses. Works fairly consistently. You're at an age where health is important, but so is your future. You should be planning out how to get a good, secure job in the future. I have no idea how you think a "ninja" is going to support you for the rest of your life, unless you plan to live with your parents until they die. Drugs cost money, I hope the modern day Shoguns pay you in weed and acid. It's fantastic that you're so into fitness, but unless you're planning to be some kind of unorthodox ninja hitman-for-hire, you have no future.

I won't even bother anymore.....