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MontanaHatchet said:
Okay Wessle, answer this:

What happens when you're older? How are you going to pay for living your life? What, are you going to be a professional ninja? That field of work died out a couple hundred years ago. A professional hitman with ninja skills? Sounds fun, but you'll be a terrible criminal. Food, water, drugs...these things aren't free.

I wouldn't even be so mad at you if you didn't sit on your high throne, acting judgmental of others, when you're still just a kid high on acid and with no real sensible life plans. There are a lot of ways to find happiness in life, but if you think drugs are the way to go, I feel sorry for you.

When I'm older, I chill and enjoy each moment, like I'm doing right now. Pay? How un-ninja like. Hopefully Ill be a professional ninja by the time I'm older, hell, hopefully by the time I'm 18 since I'm training so much lately. Food, water, and drugs are all free with the right actions in life.

I'm not on a high throne, you're reading something into my ways of thinking that I do not mean to put forth, I am not on any sort of throne, and I am not judging, I am stating my true thoughts, like I hope everyone else here is.

Yes, there's lots of ways to find happiness. Drugs are one of them. Another is... Skatebaording, push ups, drinking cool aid.

It's all cool with me.