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Thanks for the agreement, Leo-J.

My problem is that a lot of artists - very talented ones - decide to go the pop-trash route for making a quick buck. As a musician myself (written a few songs, ect), I have a major distaste for those that make songs to sound popular, rather than BE popular by the merit of their quality.

A good example would be Gwen Stefani of No Doubt.

During her tenure in No Doubt, she was a fantastic singer backed by a very talented group in Tony Kandal, Adrian Young and Tom Dumont. All 3 are great musicians in their own right.

They produced Tragic Kingdom and Return of Saturn - 2 of the best front-to-back albums ever created. TK was a certified Diamond seller - one of the best of the entire decade. It exuded ska-punk and new wave sensibilities.

Yet when they went to more processed music with Hey Baby, and Gwen's solo career I lost all respect for them. I think the merit of a group is a sum of the parts. Sure, the Patriots have Brady, but if it wasn't for their front line, Moss, or Belicheck, they wouldn't be who they are. Likewise, when No Dobut relied on catchy hooks designed for teens, I stopped caring for quite some time.

And that's the problem with the music industry. They forget that the most popular bands of all time were also some of the most talented, well-respected musicians of all time. Thriller was an album made by a man in his prime who not only wrote and sang the songs, but also composed some of the music too.

And that's why I hate Lady Gaga. If she went back to her roots - she would be more popular than flavor of the month. No major act really wins it on flavor of the month hooks, because they are a dime a dozen.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.