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Kwaad said:
r2007 said:
Kwaad said:

OMG KWAAD IS EVIL, Kwaad is stupid.

Look guys. I clearly state, this is my opinion, I clearly state, this is what I think is gonna happen. I am NOT saying this is what you want. Look, Hello Kitty online is coming out soon. That is a game for you. Go buy it.

I do not like simple games. I like complex games that work. Nintendo is anti-complex. THey have proven it agian and agian, and are moving away from complex faster and faster every day. I DO NOT LIKE THAT.

No, Kwaad is not evil or stupid. He just thinks that the industry should move in HIS direction, ignoring the fact that Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft don't give a sh*t about him or what he wants.

He doesn't understand that epic or complex games are made and will be forever made as long as there are people buying them and not because they're better or much rewarding than the rest of the games.

Kwaad is not evil or stupid. He's just naive and biased.

 If you read what is highlighted... Your right. :D

Sony is releasing massive scale games. LAIR is on a larger scale than most of nintendo games combined. Heavenly Sword, God of War. These are all the way sony is going, and all the way I want games to go. Microsoft is going the same way. Fable2, is supposed to be my dream game... but I doubt it will work. But it's goal is what I want. (but I doubt it will work right)

If the PS3/360 sales dont have a good portion of the market, massive games on those platforms will not exist, and as long as they dont exist on those platforms, they might as well not exist, becuase I've been playing the progressivly growing PS2/GC/x-box generation for a long time, and that generation came to a climax, and then the 360 came out. The PS2 ran stagnant for a whole year because they ran out of power. The Wii does not have that much more power. So actually if the Wii dominates, Massive scale games will run stagant untill a faster console comes into power. So no they wont vanish. But they wont improve either. And a game that does not improve, is not a reason for me to buy it. Why? Because if it's the same-ol-same-ol. Cant I buy the older one for my PS2 for 20$, instead of buying the new one for 50$? Or cant I buy oblivion for my PS3/360/PC, wich is better, than buying... Elderscrolls 5, exclusive to the Wii and suck?

My point is, if the Wii wins, Massive scale games are put on hold untill the 8th gen consoles. 

If the Wii win and Massive scale games are put on hold, that's because there is NO MARKET for massive scale games! THAT'S PEOPLE CHOICE, not Nintendo. I dont see Iwata pointing a wiimote to consumers saying "Get that Wii or I'll shoot!"

If the market buys the Wii over the PS3 and the 360, that's maybe because they prefer to play Wii Sports than Gears of War? Is it Nintendo's fault? They shouldn't come up with something that people like? The bastards!