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It's 11 minutes so I'll give some highlights.


2:25 to 2:40

"If Obama lives, then the constitution, and America dies. Now listen to me very carefully, please hear me, please hear me: If we let Obama live, America dies."


5:10 to 5:35

"What we need to be focused on, if we allow Obama to live, in his present state as a criminal, then America is torn apart. God knows America is gone. America is gone, if we allow Obama to continue, then the nation is gone, so which, which is it? Obama lives and America dies?


10:10 to 10:43

"Now what's it going to be? What's it going to be? Is it going to be Obama? He will live and ride off into the sunset as America's first African American President, which is a lie from the pit of hell. But are you gonna let that lie stand, and then the Constitution and America. I can tell you now. Five months from now America will no longer be. We must take immediate and decisive action now."


This guy is apparently James Manning from ATLAHworldwide. He's been on fox news to defend his sermons which claim that Obama's mother was a whore, and that Obama is an emissary of the devil. He's also apparently a friend of the birther movement. this even legal? Is he going to be in prison soon? I mean he stops just short of saying "Go get a gun, and shoot Obama". He literally says "If Obama lives, America dies" "What's it going to be? Is it going to be Obama who rides off into the sunset...? We must take decisive action now" Notice how wrong the phrasing of that first statement. It's not "Obama is destroying america" it's not "if obama is not impeached america will die" it's "IF obama lives, america WILL die."



Oh yes, and just so everybody knows apparently the FBI and secret service have apparently already been sent this video by various people and organizations. So that's already been done.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.